The ATA 53rd Annual Conference

This year I get to attend my second ATA (American Translators Association) event.  The last one was in Boston, this time San Diego, and I am looking forward to it.  In planning for this event I’m trying to learn from the previous one where I made a huge mistake.  I ran a beginners and new to SDL presentation, which was great… but the audience was very mixed in experience and I was only too happy to be led off into the “geeky” (as @Jeromobot nicely put it last week) world of handling questions that were probably not for beginners.
So this year I have another opportunity and will be running this session:

This just leaves me with the following question.  “What do I cover in one hour that will meet the needs of someone who is already familiar with CAT tools, or already familiar with the basics of using Studio?”
I do have some ideas of course, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to see if I could elicit some topics from anyone planning to attend the event and help to make sure I’m more focused… even intermediate has the potential to be a big topic, especially with all the things available through the OpenExchange that might also be of interest.
In Boston we (all the SDL staff) handled lots of questions from getting started to really advanced, and I’m really looking forward to meeting people and doing this again, but if you are planning to attend this presentation and have some suggestions for the sort of things I should cover in this tools presentation then now’s your chance to influence the content… I can be flexible on the day, but after the last event I’d like to see if I can “up” the success rate for meeting the needs of all attendees.
So drop me an email, or a comment to this blog.  I’m looking forward to being there, and seeing what’s specifically of interest!

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