Say goodbye to doppelgangers with ChatGPT…

With all the excitement and interest around ChatGPT these days, and with the numerous interesting projects we’re working on at RWS that involve the use of AI, its hard not to allow the lure of the technology to pull you in.  Last month I wrote an article on corrupt translation memories, and in doing this I dabbled a little with SQLite queries… an SDLTM is a SQLite database.  They are pretty much new to me as I’ve only used very simple statements… one liner lookups for example… in the past.  So I had to read some basics and learn a little when I did that.  Nothing new, I like to read this sort of material and learn a little something new anyway.  So when I was asked this evening how do you remove translation units from a translation memory that have the same source and same target I immediately started to think SQLite.

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