You can take a CAT to water!

A cartoon cat in spectacles sits by a riverbank, intently working on a laptop, conveying a blend of nature and technology. He's not drinking!

The phrase “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” emphasises the idea that you can offer opportunities or advantages to someone, but you can’t force them to take action if they’re unwilling. This proverb has deep historical roots, with its first recorded use in Old English around 1175, and it has been in continuous use ever since. It’s often used to illustrate the limits of influence and the importance of individual choice, making it applicable in various contexts, from personal relationships to business settings.

The expression underscores a universal human truth about the limits of persuasion and the autonomy of others. It’s not just an old saying; it encapsulates a cultural understanding about the nature of free will and the complexities of human behavior. This proverb serves as a reminder that despite our efforts to guide or provide for others, their ultimate actions are out of our control.

In psychological terms there is of course a model to explain this behaviour. It’s called the COM-B model of behavior change, and it suggests that for individuals to change their behavior, they need capability, opportunity, and motivation. Even if people have the capability (skills and knowledge) and opportunity (external conditions), without intrinsic motivation—the personal desire and drive—they may not take action. This reflects the essence of the proverb, indicating that personal choice plays a critical role in whether advice or opportunities are acted upon. Motivation is key to bridging the gap between intention and behavior​.

So when it comes to learning about technology what are the motivations for students, educators, professionals in the field of localization?  I think everyone has their own, but I could hazard a few guesses:

  1. Career Advancement: Gaining new skills or refining existing ones can open up advanced job opportunities and promotions, making the effort to learn well worth it.
  2. Quality and Efficiency: Improved skills lead to higher quality work and more efficient processes, which can be highly motivating for professionals who take pride in their work. In particular you become your own problem solver!
  3. Innovation and Adaptation: The localization field is dynamic, with constant technological advancements. Staying updated is crucial to remain competitive and innovative and even more so in today’s rapidly changing environments.
  4. Peer Recognition and Networking: Being well-versed in the latest tools and techniques can increase one’s reputation among peers and enhance networking opportunities. I think all the experts in the RWS Community are well known and hopefully respected!
  5. Personal Fulfillment: For many, continuous learning is intrinsically rewarding, providing personal satisfaction that comes from mastering new challenges.

I can’t think of anyone I know or have met in the localization industry who wouldn’t agree with this, and may even have more to add.  But by now you may be wondering when I’ll get to the point… so here it is.

If you have never been able to find training on the things you needed to learn to work with Trados; if you didn’t know there is a knowledgebase, or the community forums to get help; if you didn’t know Trados Studio actually comes with PDF guides to help you get started in translating or project management; if you didn’t know that Trados Studio has a context sensitive online help; if you didn’t know RWS run a Campus event every year with presentations covering all the career possibilities you can think of in the localization industry, and with presentations around the use of technology; if you didn’t know that RWS provide their technology for free to all academic partners through their RWS Campus programme; if you didn’t know there are guides for everything and forums to ask questions if you are already an academic partner; if you didn’t know Trados have a YouTube site with many how-to videos; if you didn’t know Trados run regular webinars on the use of our technology and maintain a database of previously recorded webinars; if you didn’t know there is an RWS University and certification in the products; if you didn’t know you can have support included with your product; if you didn’t know all users have free access to licensing & installation support; if you didn’t know you can report a bug or get help with any question in the community forums; if you didn’t know you can make suggestions for new features or vote for features others have raised; if you like to develop and wonder about the APIs but have never heard of; if you have a question about how to use the APIs or write your code effectively; if you didn’t know Trados AppStore developers opensource almost everything they do…

… if you didn’t know these things already then at least know this. You can visit the Community Solutions Hub (Trados) and tell them what you’d like to learn.

You can ask for training on how to do anything you would like to learn around the use of the products within the Trados Portfolio. You have an opportunity to shape your learning agenda and dive deeper into the Trados tools and features that matter most to you.  Every 2-weeks the Community team plan to deliver a webinar… not a polished presentation, but rather a functional explanation of exactly how to do what you ask about. It doesn’t have to be, in fact it shouldn’t be since each one is only one and a half hours, a complete how to use the product.  There are plenty of training facilities already available to you for that.  But there may still be some gaps in your knowledge, or a need to find a different way of looking at things, that might help put things into place.

Visit the Community Solutions Hub (Trados) and tell them what you’d like to learn and drink deeply.  I’m sure the motivation is there… you surely have the capability… and now you have the opportunity!

Working with CSV’s…

Icon of a CSV file with a pencil, indicating a file used for entering or editing comma-separated values. The icon is designed to resemble a physical document with lines of text and the CSV extension in the upper right corner, encapsulated in a blue rounded square with a slight shadow effect.CSV, or files with “comma separated values”, is a simple format that everyone should be able to handle.  Certainly you’d think so except nothing is ever that straightforward and if you’ve ever spent time trying to work with these files and having to deal with all the problems inherent to this format then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.  In our industry, localization, the number of problems can even increase because we also have to deal with converting the content from one language to another.  I also wondered if there is a standard for CSV and the closest things to one is more of a recommendation, called RFC 4180.  It doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2005 and doesn’t take account of many of the problems that can be caused by not managing these files carefully.

So what sort of things are we talking about?  Here’s a few…

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The PerfectMatch…

mage: A heart made of puzzle pieces with a piece missing.In the world of translation, Trados Studio’s PerfectMatch feature is like the overachieving student who always gets straight A’s, and its academic partner is the brilliant but slightly disorganised professor.  PerfectMatch, with its meticulous and precise matching capabilities, often finds itself patiently sorting through the professor’s vast but somewhat chaotic repository of knowledge.  Picture PerfectMatch as the diligent student, poring over texts late into the night, determined to find that one perfect translation match.  Meanwhile, the academic partner is the genius who wrote the book on translation but can’t quite remember where they put it. Together, they form an unlikely but unstoppable duo – the PerfectMatch feature meticulously cross-referencing every word while the academic partner brings a wealth of knowledge, albeit sometimes hidden under a pile of papers.  It’s a partnership where precision meets wisdom, creating translations that are not just accurate, but also enlightened!

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Back to school… again!

The image depicts a stylised portrait of a person wearing academic attire. The individual has a neatly trimmed beard and moustache, and they are wearing a blue graduation cap with a tassel on the right side. They appear to be smiling contentedly, with their eyes closed in a serene expression. The figure's graduation gown is dark blue, and they are wearing a white shirt with a green tie underneath. The image has a clean and modern vector art style, with flat colours and simple shapes for features.After I did my last studies, apart from all the endless mandatory HR type training we have to endure these days, I thought that would be it for any sort of formal training for me.  In fact the main reason for me doing my last formal studies, TCLoc Masters degree at the University of Strasbourg, was to fill the gaps I thought I had given a complete lack of education in the field I’ve been working for the last 17-years.  That degree was very useful and I definitely learned a lot and filled some gaps, but whilst there was an element of technical localization to it I think it only scratched the surface and didn’t really cover the sort of skills that I think are needed, not just for localization engineers, but also for professional translators and project managers, working in technical localization today.

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XML… unravelling chaos

Image of a ball of wool unravelling around the letters XMLWhilst I would definitely not claim to be an expert, writing this blog has allowed me to learn a reasonable amount about XML over the years.  Most of the articles I’ve written have been about explaining how to manage the many amazing features in the filetypes that are supported by Trados Studio… and of course how to deal with the many changes over the years as the filetypes have become more and more sophisticated catering for the demands of our customers and the changes in the technologies applied to XML in general.  The result of these changes has led to some… let’s say… less than user friendly interfaces and features and you’d certainly be forgiven if you thought things were becoming a little chaotic!

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Working under a cloud!

Image of a cloud of a thunderstorm with rain.In the heart of LingoVille, translator Trina was renowned for her linguistic prowess but was a bit behind in the tech world.  When her old typewriter finally gave out, she received a sleek new laptop, which came with OneDrive pre-enabled.  Initially hesitant about this “cloud magic,” she soon marvelled at the convenience of securely storing her translations online, accessible from anywhere, safeguarding her precious work from life’s unpredictabilities. This modern twist turned Trina from a tech-sceptic into a cloud enthusiast overnight.

And then she woke up!!

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Linguistic Alchemy to unlock AutoHotkey

A photorealistic image of a wizard performing linguistic alchemy, digital art.In the echoing halls of the Tower of Babel, myriad languages tangled, creating a confusion of tongues and leaving humans estranged.  Fast forward to the present day, professional translators stand as the modern-day heroes, bridging linguistic divides and fostering global connections.  Yet, these linguists often grapple with the technical juggernaut of AutoHotkey scripting.

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Helping the Help!

Image created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI - “Helping the Help in the style of Richard Estes.”I really like this image created by DALL·E of a man… maybe a businessman… on a wall, putting down his newspaper and reaching down to offer help to the worker with a ladder.  Created with only this prompt – “Helping the Help in the style of Richard Estes.”  When we read about how ChatGPT is “only” an advanced autosuggest we really need to think about how it must have some understanding of what was previously said to be able to predict the suggestion.  DALL·E really demonstrates this well because it had to have enough of an understanding of the concept of help in terms of not only helping, but also the use of the word help as someone who could be employed to help (in this case maybe a caretaker or janitor)… and then think about how this could be represented as an image, and in the style of a photorealist painter I mentioned by name.  Then do all that in a matter of seconds.  Quite astonishing really. Continue reading “Helping the Help!”

Unlocking Linguistic Success: Navigating the Path to Translation and Localization Mastery for Academia’s Rising Stars

Created by DALL·E: “Create an ink sketch of the Vitruvian Man wearing a students mortar board in the style of Leonardo da Vinci.”The Studious Translator, a pen-and-ink illustration inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s style, depicts a student immersed in the world of translation and localization at a University participating in the RWS Campus academic programme.  Just as the Vitruvian Man embodies the ideal human proportions outlined by the Roman architect Vitruvius, this diligent student exemplifies the harmonious balance of linguistic mastery, cultural understanding, and technical acumen required for success in the field.  The drawing showcases the student in two (hidden) overlapping positions—one representing the precision of translation within a square, and another showcasing the adaptability of localization within a circle. This intriguing illustration not only highlights the student’s dedication to comprehending essential concepts but also their aspiration to innovate and refine them.  Although not the first to capture the essence of translation and localization, the Studious Translator gains iconic status as a symbol of the modern Renaissance in language and technology.  It serves as a testament to the interdisciplinary nature of these fields, weaving together mathematics, linguistics, and art.  The original drawing is carefully preserved in a climate-controlled archive at RWS Campus, exemplifying the programme’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of translation and localization professionals.

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The elephant in my room…

“In the style of Dali: the elephant in the room, sitting at the boardroom table discussing artificial intelligence.” DALL·EThe reaction I rarely see when discussing artificial intelligence with anyone is indifference.  The reactions I usually see are split between overflowing enthusiasm and overflowing concern.  I rarely have a conversation about them both.  But after writing a few articles on how useful it is, and obviously I spend most of my time in the overflowing with enthusiasm camp, I wanted to address the elephant in the room.

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