Handling taggy Excel files in Studio…

#01By taggy files I mean “embedded xml or html content” that is written into an Excel file alongside translatable text.  In the last article I wrote I documented a method sometimes used by people to handle tagged content in a Word file… funnily enough I came across a Word file containing the XML components of an IDML file today and I guess it must have been prepared in a very similar way judging by the enormous number of tags using the tw4win style to hide them when opened by any SDL Trados version!  Proof for me that this practice is sadly alive and well.  But I digress… because this time I want to cover how to handle a similar problem when you find HTML or XML tagged content in an Excel file.  This crops up quite a bit on ProZ so I thought it might be better to document it once and for all so I have something else to refer to in addition to the Studio help.
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