It’s been 11-years since I have written about the PowerShell Toolkit that was originally created by the development team in SDL. Back then I was able to fumble my way through setting it up, editing a few files, and automating the creation of a project in Trados Studio. In all the time since then it’s not really received any updates, although there have been a couple of notable events. First it was open-sourced in 2014 and then… well OK, only one notable event! The PowerShell Toolkit has actually not been touched in all of this time to any great extent much to the consternation of some localization engineers who would have liked to have seen more work done to improve its capabilities. In case you might wonder what use this Toolkit is… a brief explanation would be that it allows users to automate tasks that could be carried out in Trados Studio without the need for complex code development and without having to open Trados Studio at all!. The toolkit makes use of the PowerShell task automation framework, which is already integrated into Windows, making it accessible to users who might not be familiar with software development. The Trados Studio PowerShell Toolkit enables users to perform a variety of automated tasks, such as creating Translation Memories, setting up new projects, and generating project packages for different languages.
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