SDL OpenExchange (now RWS AppStore) Application Security


Every now and then I see someone ask how they can be sure that the applications available on the SDL OpenExchange (now RWS AppStore) are safe to use?  This is a very valid question and I read in a whitepaper from Adobe, where they quoted a PwC survey carried out in 2013, that nearly 30% of respondents from 123 countries claimed financial losses due to a software related security incident.

Controlling the security of our own applications, and ensuring we have proper controls in place is one thing… but how do we make sure that applications that have been developed by others, for installation and use with our products via the OpenExchange, are similarly controlled?

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Solving the Post Edit puzzle

#03It would be very arrogant of me to suggest that I have the solution for measuring the effort that goes into post-editing translations, wherever they originated from, but in particular machine translation.  So let’s table that right away because there are many ways to measure, and pay for, post-editing work and I’m not going to suggest a single answer to suit everyone.

But I think I can safely say that finding a way to measure, and pay for post-editing translations in a consistent way that provided good visibility into how many changes had been made, and allowed you to build a cost model you could be happy with, is something many companies and translators are still investigating.

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Bookmarking your work…

01Studio 2014, whilst containing many significant user enhancements, also brought with it some significant additions to the technology platform available to developers.

These enhancements provide a developer with the ability to extend or customise the user interface… so change the way Studio looks and is used… and it also allows a developer to create custom functionalities that they can add into the interface as if they were part of the application itself.  Actually once added they are indeed part of the application!

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Making variables work for you

01It’s funny, but when I think of “variables” I think of something that changes… a bit like the Transformer robots my son used to play with.  So when I look at how they are used in Studio, and in Trados before that, the name doesn’t really make sense at first!

In practice, “variables” in Studio are words or phrases that don’t change at all when you translate them.  So it’s useful to be able to ensure they are handled automatically in Studio by defining lists containing these “variables”.

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The SDLXLIFF Toolkit

#01The release of Studio 2014 will bring a number of new OpenExchange applications to the App Store.  One of these is already becoming well known based on the name alone… the SDLXLIFF Toolkit!  The name suggests this is a tool for working with an SDLXLIFF and being able to take it to pieces and interact with all of it’s components… and this is probably a good explanation of what it actually does.
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Pimp my Studio 2014…

#02aA strange title I know, but I thought I could indulge two of my favourite pastimes at the same time… first the SDL OpenExchange (now RWS AppStore), and the second customising stuff.
I may have mentioned the SDL OpenExchange (now RWS AppStore) from time to time in my articles… I do like the OpenExchange… because this is a unique feature of the SDL Language Technologies Platform that is probably underestimated by many users who think it’s only a few little apps that you can download to perform the odd useful function here and there.
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The SDLXLIFF to Legacy Converter

#01This application, free on the SDL OpenExchange (now RWS AppStore), has been around for about a year and a half and is one of the most popular applications on there.  It was written by Patrick Hartnett and is incredibly useful in more ways than one.  In fact it’s so useful I have referred to it quite often and used it for working around other issues in many of the articles I have written… so why haven’t I written specifically about it here until now?  The answer is I have no idea… but I should have done!  What prompted me to write now is that Patrick hasn’t released many updates to this tool, mainly because it did what was needed from the start and has been a really reliable and useful application; but he has released an update this week.
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The PowerShell what?

#01The PowerShell Toolkit… that’s what!
None the wiser?  Me neither… but it sounds like a really cool idea so I thought if I can do it then so can anyone else if I share the concept a little.  So I’m writing this article as I learn how to use this toolkit!
Powershell is a task automation framework that is installed as part of Windows… the PowerShell Toolkit compiled by Patrik Mazanek of SDL uses this framework and in simple terms it’s a way of providing the tools for automating things that Studio can do without having to redevelop the computer code to do them yourself.  So you already have the means to do this and like me may not have known it at all!
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Glossary to TM… been there, done that…

#01So now let’s flip the process on its head!
I’m not sure how often the need arises to create a Translation Memory from a Termbase but I can tell you that the article I wrote previously called “Creating a TM from a Termbase, or Glossary, in SDL Trados Studio” is the most popular article I have ever written… closely followed by an article on why wordcounts differ between tools called “So how many words do you think it is?“.  It’s an unfair competition because the latter was written some 4-months afterwards so needs more time to catch up… but there is no denying that the process of converting a Glossary to a Translation Memory is something people are interested in.
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Duplicates and Roadshows…

#1A strange title, and a stranger image with a pair of zebras and a road, but in keeping with the current fascination with animals during the SDL Spring Roadshows I thought it was quite fitting.  Nothing at all to do with the subject other than the Zebras may be duplicated and they are hovering a road to somewhere that looks cold!
The problem posed at the SDL Trados Roadshow in Helsinki by some very technical attendees, after the event was over, was about how to efficiently work on a Translation Memory (TM) so you could remove all the unnecessary duplicates.
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